What Do You Do in the Case of an Emergency?
If your orthodontic appliances become loose or break, you should contact our staff at Sequence Orthodontics immediately. As a courtesy, please contact us before coming into the office, even if you have an existing appointment. Calling before you come will allow us to have the time to see you and prepare to make the repair.
What Do You Do in the Case of an Emergency?
If your orthodontic appliances become loose or break, you should contact our staff at Sequence Orthodontics immediately. As a courtesy, please contact us before coming into the office, even if you have an existing appointment. Calling before you come will allow us to have the time to see you and prepare to make the repair.
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Emergency Information
- Loose Brackets or Bands : Please contact our office if your brackets or bands become loose. We will gladly advise you on what you need to do. It is possible that the wire needs to be cut or removed. It is also a possibility that the bracket needs to be refitted. If the problem occurs over the weekend or after business hours, you may have to cut the wire yourself. Please use a pair of sterilized scissors or nail clippers to cut the wire. On the next business day, call our offices to schedule an appointment as soon as possible
- Wire Irritations : Wire irritation or discomfort is a common issue for people who wear braces. Usually, the problem is resolved by taking a cotton swab or an eraser and trying to move the wire away from the irritated gums. Cover the wire with a piece of cotton or wax if the wire will not move. If the wire is causing you a lot of pain, use a pair of sterilized scissors or nail clippers to cut it. If home care does not provide a solution to the problem, please call us to schedule an appointment.
- Lost Separators or Spacers : Losing a separator during your treatment is normal and not a major problem. However, you should call our office to have it replaced as soon as possible.
- Discomfort Associated with Orthodontic Treatment : You may experience pain and discomfort the first week you have your braces and after monthly adjustments. Acetaminophen and other over-the-counter, non-aspirin pain relievers can be used to offer some relief from the pain. For pain affecting your jaw, apply a warm cloth or heating pad to the area.
- Dental Trauma : If your teeth become loose as a result of trauma or injury, your braces will help to keep your teeth in place. Should your lip or cheek get caught in your braces, or another dental appliance, try to remove it as soon as you can. Please do not hesitate to contact us at Sequence Orthodontics if you experience dental trauma that causes your teeth to shift or become very loose. In the event of tooth loss, you need to seek treatment within 30 minutes.
- Steps to Saving a Knocked-Out Tooth: Pick up the tooth by the crown. Because the root is the most delicate part of the tooth, do not carry the tooth by its root. Rinse the tooth with water. Avoid any unnecessary handling in cleaning the tooth. Place the tooth back in its socket. Use a piece of gauze, your fingers, or gently bite down to hold it in place. If you are unable to reinsert the tooth, put the tooth in your mouth next to your cheek or put it in a cup of milk or water. The tooth must remain.