Invisalign® Teen in Charles County, MD
With convenient offices in Waldorf and serving Charles County and St. Mary’s County, Maryland, Sequence Orthodontics offers Invisalign Express® and other innovative orthodontic treatments to residents who wish to align their teeth, improving their smile and oral health.
Invisalign® Teen in Charles County, MD
With convenient offices in Waldorf and serving Charles County and St. Mary’s County, Maryland, Sequence Orthodontics offers Invisalign Express® and other innovative orthodontic treatments to residents who wish to align their teeth, improving their smile and oral health.
What is Invisalign® Teen?
Invisalign® is an orthodontic treatment for teens who want an alternative to metal or ceramic braces. The Invisalign® treatment consists of a series of clear plastic aligners, each custom-made for you and that resemble night guards. Over time, these aligners slowly shift the teeth into the proper position. Invisalign® may also be recommended for patients who have completed orthodontic treatment to help maintain results until teeth are settled down and finished moving.

Consult Our Experts!
How Does Invisalign® Work to Align Teeth in Adults?
The length of time you’ll have to wear Invisalign® will naturally vary from patient to patient, but generally, this treatment takes longer to reach your correction goal than treatment with traditional braces. For most teens, treatment lasts an average of two to three years. While Invisalign® suits many teen patients, it may not be suitable for all. In some cases, Invisalign® alone may not achieve the needed correction, and traditional braces might be recommended.
Is It Painful to Wear Invisalign® Teen?
Invisalign® may produce mild soreness in the jaw and gums after each initial fitting, and this mild discomfort may last for a day or two, but this treatment normally produces less discomfort than treatments with traditional metal or ceramic braces.
Who is a Good Candidate for Invisalign® Teen?
Although Invisalign® is a great option for many teen patients, it may not be optimal for all. In some cases, Invisalign® alone may not provide enough correction to achieve a successful alignment, and regular braces may be recommended.