Spacers for Braces in Charles County, MD
Conveniently located in Waldorf and serving Charles County and St. Mary’s County, Maryland, Sequence Orthodontics offers spacers for braces and other orthodontic solutions to the residents of Maryland who wish to improve their smile and oral health.
Spacers for Braces in Charles County, MD
Conveniently located in Waldorf and serving Charles County and St. Mary’s County, Maryland, Sequence Orthodontics offers spacers for braces and other orthodontic solutions to the residents of Maryland who wish to improve their smile and oral health.
What Are Spacers for Braces?
Spacers, also known as orthodontic separators, are basically small elastic donut-shaped rings about a centimeter in diameter. Spacers are inserted parallel to the teeth on either side prior to being fitted for braces. Spacers may be worn for as little as a few days or for as long as the braces are required.

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What is the Purpose of Wearing Spacers for Braces?
Orthodontic separators are essential to prevent overcrowding of back molars when braces are applied. Spacers create space between these molars before braces, ensuring a proper fit.
Unlike traditional metal bands, spacers are more comfortable, don’t require dental cement, and reduce the risk of tooth decay.
If spacers fall out before braces, it often means the teeth have shifted correctly. The orthodontist may remove them or make adjustments as needed.

Who is a Good Candidate for Spacers for Braces?
Children and adults with misaligned or crooked teeth who are preparing to have braces fitted are typical candidates for spacers, as the use of spacers is simply a preparatory step that aligns the back molars in order for braces to be fitted correctly.

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What Should I Expect When Wearing Spacers for Braces?
You may eat most foods that you normally enjoy; however, we recommend that you avoid sticky foods, such as caramel, toffee, chewing gum, and gummy candy, because these foods may stick to the spacers and pull them out of place. If the spacers fall out prematurely, they may need to be refitted. You may brush and rinse your teeth as usual when wearing orthodontic separators, but avoid flossing as this may dislodge the spacers.
Are Spacers for Braces Painful to Wear?
For most patients, the fitting is painless, but discomfort may follow, such as jaw soreness and a sensation of something between teeth, sometimes causing pressure on the gums. This discomfort varies based on pain tolerance. If your molars are close together, you might feel more discomfort as the separators create space. Typically, this discomfort lessens after the first two days but can persist for up to a week after the fitting in some cases.